Wholesale/Virtual Infrastructure for Web Hosting Providers

Thinking of starting a web hosting business, but want more control than being a reseller? Our virtual web hosting infrastructure is your best choice.

We will work with you to design a robust, professional and - most importantly - scalable virtual environment that contains all the necessary services to run a web hosting business.

Often, our clients prefer us to provide a management service, which includes providing technical assistance with any matter you are unable to resolve in-house.

We specialise in the Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP stack, and our experience in managing this framework allows us to provide exceptional technical support to ensure you can support your clients with their questions.

We can also advise on (and, if desired, implement and configure) the software you should use to handle billing, monitoring and reporting.

A typical virtual web hosting environment may initially comprise:

  • Web server (doubling as primary name server and primary mail server)
  • Combined secondary name server and secondary mail server (in a separate geographic location)

As you web hosting business grows, the virtual infrastructure may expand to include:

  • Two or more web servers, possibly running different configurations (such as PHP4 and PHP5)
  • Two name servers (one in a separate geographic location)
  • Secondary mail server
  • Hot backup server (allowing near-instant restores of your clients' accounts)

Take Precedence

We would welcome the opportunity to provide a custom quote for your virtual infrastructure needs. Please call us on 1300 363 460 or email us with an overview of your requirements and we shall be in touch to discuss an ideal starting solution for your business.